Rheumatism its types and causes | healthy care
Rheumatism its types and causes
What is rheumatism?
Rheumatism is a disease of the immune system that affects different parts of the human body, as chronic inflammation occurs in the joints and connective tissues causing swelling and severe pain for the patient. Rheumatism is caused by a malfunction of the immune system; Instead of protecting the body from bacteria or viruses that attack the body, the immune system errs by attacking connective tissues inside the joints and other organs of the human body such as the lungs, skin, eyes, heart, and blood vessels. As a result of this inflammation, bone erosion and deformations in the joints occur, and in cases, Severe rheumatism causes a physical and functional disability of the patient.
Types of rheumatism
Rheumatology is divided into two types:
"The first type"
Non-inflammatory diseases, where joint wear occurs without inflammation in the surrounding tissues, including degenerative bone erosion and osteoporosis.
The second type
Inflammatory diseases affect the bones, joints, and muscles, and are divided into two types: Inflammatory diseases are not articular: they affect connective tissues and muscles, for example, scleroderma, comprehensive lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome, and other diseases. Arthritic diseases: affecting the joints and surrounding tissues, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, deficiency, rheumatic fever, heart rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, Cushing's syndrome, and other diseases.
Rheumatic fever
It is a type of inflammatory rheumatic disease that occurs suddenly after tonsillitis and is caused by streptococcus bacteria (English: streptococcus), and this disease is accompanied by some symptoms, including:| --- | General weakness and loss of appetite.
| --- | It causes inflammation of the membrane around the heart and is most dangerous, as it may lead to heart rheumatism or heart failure.
| --- | The joint size is usually larger, swollen and red, and a painful touch to the patient. The most affected joints are the knees, wrists, elbows, and ankles.
| --- | Inflammation affects the nervous system, leading to Sydenham's chorea, in which rapid, involuntary, and involuntary vibratory movements occur, and in severe cases affect the arms of the arms, legs, the patient's performance, and the face. Some tasks, such as controlling pen grip when writing, and being able to speak correctly.
| --- | Sometimes a red rash appears between two and four weeks after streptococcus streptococcus
Causes of rheumatism
| --- | Gender: The infection rate was found to be higher for females than for males.
| --- | Age: Although rheumatism may occur at any age, it is more common to occur in the 40-60 year period.
| --- | Genetic history: The presence of a person with rheumatism increases the likelihood of disease by relatives.
| --- | Smoking.
| --- | Obesity
| --- | Infection with a bacterial or viral infection, as is the case with rheumatic fever. Continuous exposure to cold and moisture.
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