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Complications diagnosis and treatment of gout | healthy care

Complications diagnosis and treatment of gout | healthy care

Complications diagnosis and treatment of gout

"Complications of gout"

Serious complications, which are more serious than gout itself, may develop in people with gout, may include:
| --- | Repeated gout
| --- | Advanced gout
| --- | Kidney stones

Diagnosis of gout

Tests that help diagnose gout include:
| --- | Synovia - synovial fluid examination in the joints
| --- | Blood test

Treatment of gout

Treatment of gout is generally based on medication. Together with the patient, the doctor decides on these medications, according to the patient's health condition and preferences.
Medicines to treat gout include:

| --- | Non-steroidal Anti - Inflammatory Drug - NSAIDs / NAIDs
| --- | Colchicine
| --- | Steroids

"Prevention of gout"

There are a few things you can do to reduce your risk of additional seizures, which include:

The doctor may recommend people who have gout attacks each year or people who have less frequent but more painful attacks of gout, to take medications that reduce the risk of additional 

attacks. Generally, preventive drug therapy is started after the gout attack subsides and goes away.
Treatment possibilities include:

| --- | Medicines to prevent uric acid production
| --- | Medicines to improve uric acid secretion

  "Nutrition and gout"

Complications diagnosis and treatment of gout | healthy care

The efficacy of certain changes in the diet has not been shown to reduce the risk of gout. However, it makes sense to eat foods that contain the least possible amount of purine.
When trying to find nutrition suitable for gout, it is advisable to do the following:

| --- | Reducing the consumption of red meat and seafood (seafood)
| --- | Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages
| --- | Eat more low-fat dairy products
| --- | Eat more complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread

Attention should be paid to the need to consume quantities that ensure maintaining a healthy weight. Reducing weight may lead to a decrease in the percentage of uric acid in the body. However, fasting and rapid weight loss should be avoided, as these things may cause a temporary increase in uric acid concentration.

Alternative treatments

Complications diagnosis and treatment of gout | healthy care

If the treatment is not achieving the desired results, there is a possibility to try other methods of complementary or alternative therapies for the treatment of gout. Before starting these methods, you should consult your doctor about them. The doctor can assess preferences and risks and determine whether there is a risk that the alternative treatment will hinder or disrupt the effectiveness of the medications the patient is taking.

Some people are wary of complementary and alternative therapies, but today many traditional doctors show great understanding and openness to the possibility of researching these therapeutic methods.
Since only a small fraction of these methods are tested in clinical research, it is difficult to estimate their true efficacy in treating pain caused by gout. Also, the risks involved in these treatments, in some cases, are not clear.

Complementary and alternative gout treatments

| --- | Coffee (coffee): The researchers found a relationship between coffee consumption, whether regular or caffeine-free and the presence of low levels of uric acid in the blood, despite the inability of any of these research to explain how coffee affects uric acid in the body. The available evidence is not sufficient evidence to encourage people who do not drink coffee to start drinking it, but it is able to open new horizons for researchers to develop gout treatments.

| --- | Vitamin C: Food additives containing vitamin C may lower uric acid concentration in the blood. However, there is as yet no research examining the efficacy and efficacy of this vitamin as a treatment for gout. It would be a mistake to think that if small amounts of Vitamin C were beneficial to the body, large amounts of it would be more beneficial. An overdose of vitamin C may increase the concentration of uric acid in the body. Therefore, it is a good idea to consult a doctor about the right amount of vitamin (C). It is also important to remember that it is possible to increase the consumption of vitamin (C) by eating more vegetables, fruits, and citrus fruits, especially oranges.

| --- | Cherries: Research has shown a relationship between eating cherries and a lower uric acid concentration in the blood, but it is not clear if cherries have any effect on symptoms of gout. Adding cherries and other dark fruits, such as blackberries (prickly pear), blueberry (cranberry) and purple grapes to the menu, maybe a sure way to enrich and enhance the treatment of gout, but it is best to consult a doctor about this.

Other complementary and alternative therapies are also available that help in the treatment of pain caused by gout, before its removal, or before the effects of medications begin. Among them, for example, some relaxation techniques, such as training for deep breathing and meditation - these may help distract the person from pain.

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