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What are hemorrhoids and what are its types? | healthy care

What are hemorrhoids and what are its types? | healthy care

What are hemorrhoids and what are its types?

Today we are exposed to one of the most important diseases that a very large segment of the Arab and Egyptian world suffers in particular, and it is one of the diseases that cause psychological harm

to its owner because it is accompanied by some formalities that appear in front of people and also for its presence in some sensitive places in the body and we will address it in detail and learn about its treatment and prevention methods...

"What are hemorrhoids?"

Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) are prominent, swollen (swollen) veins in the anus (Anus), and in the lower part of the rectum (Rectum).
It is formed as a result of an effort during the work of the intestine or as a result of intense pressure on these veins, as happens during pregnancy, for example. Hemorrhoids are a very common disease.

Until the age of fifty years, about half of the adults collide with almost the problems of itching, feeling uncomfortable, and bleeding that could form signs of disease in the majority of people. An improvement in the symptoms of hemorrhoids occurs after using home remedies to treat hemorrhoids and change the established lifestyle.

Types of hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids and what are its types? | healthy care

There are four types of hemorrhoids:
| --- | External hemorrhoids: located on the anus, directly on the surface from which the bowel movements come out. They are not always visible but are sometimes seen as lumps on the anus surface.

| --- | External hemorrhoids are not usually a serious medical problem
| --- | Internal hemorrhoids: usually found in the rectum. It cannot always be seen because it is so deep that it is not visible from the anus.
| --- | Internal hemorrhoids are not usually dangerous and tend to disappear on their own.
| --- | Falling hemorrhoids: Falling hemorrhoids appear when internal hemorrhoids swell and stick to the anus.

Hanging hemorrhoids look like swollen red lumps or bumps outside the anus.
Coagulated hemorrhoids: that is, infected with thrombosis. A thrombus hemorrhoid contains a blood clot (thrombosis) within the hemorrhoidal tissue. They may appear as lumps or swelling around the anus. Blood clots can occur in both internal and external hemorrhoids

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

In the case of hemorrhoids, the following symptoms may appear:
| --- | Bleeding, painless, during the work of the intestine. Sometimes, a little shiny red blood can be seen on toilet paper or the toilet bowl
| --- | Itching or irritation in the anus
| --- | Pain or discomfort

| --- | Hemorrhoids, visible and prominent outside the anus
| --- | Swelling around the anus
| --- | Painful or very sensitive bump, next to the anus
| --- | Stool leakage
"The symptoms of hemorrhoids resulting from the different locations of hemorrhoids are different."

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids located inside the rectum. It cannot be seen or felt, usually not causing discomfort. But effort or burning, when crossing stool, may injure the delicate external surface of hemorrhoids, causing bleeding. Sometimes, especially when exerting effort, internal hemorrhoids

may rush outward, that is, outside the anus. These are called "protruding hemorrhoids" or "descending hemorrhoids", and they can cause pain and itching (irritation).

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids and what are its types? | healthy care

External hemorrhoids are located under the skin, around the anus.
Among the most important symptoms of hemorrhoids, their excitement and irritation can cause itching or bleeding.

Sometimes, the blood may tighten and pull the internal hemorrhoids into, causing a thrombus/thrombus (thrombus blood mass) that causes severe pain, swelling (swelling), and inflammation.

" some information about hemorrhoids."

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