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Learn the causes and risk factors that lead to hair loss | healthy care

Learn the causes and risk factors that lead to hair loss | healthy care

Learn the causes and risk factors that lead to hair loss

Causes and risk factors for hair loss

Hair loss can occur at a high rate due to a large number of reasons. In some cases of hair loss, new hair grows in the place of the hair that fell. In other cases, it is possible to successfully treat the phenomenon of falling by referring to a dermatologist.

As for the other cases, which do not have any treatment until today, many ongoing studies are being conducted, and it seems at first glance that optimism about the future and its consequences can be optimized.

"The most important causes of hair loss"

Learn the causes and risk factors that lead to hair loss | healthy care

There are many women and men who use chemical preparations for hair care. Among these products:
| --- | Hair dyes
| --- | Colors and color-lightening materials
| --- | Hair straightening materials
| --- | Various materials used for creasing.

If these products are used according to the instructions, the possibility of damaging them with hair is very little.
However, if these products are used more often than not, the hair may be weak and tend to split (Trichorrhexis).
If the use of these preparations leads to weakening and fragmentation of hair, it is desirable to stop using them until the hair is regenerated and recovered, and the damaged hairs disappear.

Hair loss and hereditary baldness

This phenomenon is known by its scientific name "Androgenetic alopecia / Calvities".
It is the most common cause of hair loss, as it is genetically transmitted from the mother or father.
Women who suffer from this phenomenon, their hair is usually very light and very little, but they do not develop Bald completely.
It is possible that this phenomenon may begin to appear in the second, third, and even fourth years of life.

Macular alopecia

It is not known what causes the phenomenon of partial hair loss, known as "alopecia alopecia" (Alopecia Areata), but the prevailing belief is that it is linked to problems affecting the immune system (as the body produces autoantibodies to its own hair).

This phenomenon can occur in children or adults of any age.
People who suffer from it usually have a healthy general condition. But the injury is characterized by the emergence of bald areas, small and round, the diameter of which is equivalent to the diameter of a coin, or slightly larger.
Although alopecia areata is a very rare phenomenon, it may lead to the loss of all hair on the head and body, completely. In most cases, the hair returns to growth again, but treatment by a dermatologist will accelerate the regenerative process of hair.

"Hair loss" (Telogen Effluvium)

Illness, stress or psychological stress, and other factors that may cause a large amount of hair to enter into the so-called "terminal phase" (the rest phase in the effectiveness of the follicular cells - Telogen) as part of the natural cycle of hair growth, which leads to hair loss at a pace High and accelerated (Effluvium), without resulting, mostly, completely bald spots.
In most cases, this type of hair loss stops automatically, after a few months.
Among the factors that cause crappy (chronic) hair loss:

| --- | High temperature, severe and severe pollution, and acute influenza
| --- | Complex surgery or chronic disease
| --- | Thyroid gland
| --- | Low protein feed
| --- | Iron deficiency in the blood
| --- | Take medications
| --- | Take birth control pills
| --- | Treatments for cancer


Learn the causes and risk factors that lead to hair loss | healthy care

Tinea Capitis is caused by fungal infection caused by Dermatophyte and characterized by dandruff spots on the scalp. These spots get bigger, widen and spread and cause hair breakage, redness of the skin, puffiness, and sometimes even fluid from the scalp.
This disease is very infectious, and it is very common in children. This disease can be treated with medication.


This disease is characterized by the patient wrapping and bending hair, pulling and pulling it out, whether it is head hair, eyebrow hair or eyelashes (hair) in children, and sometimes in adults as well.

In some cases this phenomenon is not only a bad habit, it disappears after obtaining professional advice and an explanation about the damage and side effects that can be caused by trichotillomania. But the phenomenon of trichotillomania may, in other cases, be an emotional reaction to stress or psychological stress, and sometimes it may be a serious and severe psychological disorder.

Scarring alopecia

Learn the causes and risk factors that lead to hair loss | healthy care

 Cicatricial alopecia is a very rare phenomenon that causes bald spots accompanied by itching and/or pain.
The formation of inflammation around the hair follicles, causing damage and leading to the appearance of scars and hair loss, instead of growing it.
The factor that causes alopecia areata is not known, but treatment is done by stopping the spread of inflammation and preventing its transmission to other parts and places of the scalp.

"An explanatory video explaining the causes of hair loss"

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